New Condition Of The SEPE To Collect The Extraordinary Unemployment Benefit
The coronavirus pandemic had a wide variety of consequences in all areas of life, including social benefits. For this reason, like the rest, this field has also returned to normal when vaccination campaigns have improved the general situation.
This is what has happened with the extraordinary unemployment benefit, for which the Active Job Search (BAE) is already required again, a condition that before the pandemic was essential and that, due to restrictions and prohibitions regarding face-to-face care was frozen as a result of the confinement of March 2020.
The State Public Employment Service (SEPE) has recalled in its Twitter social network account that, since June 2021, carrying out at least one Active Job Search is now mandatory again to be able to collect the extraordinary unemployment benefit. An Active Job Search is considered as any of the practices by which the citizen, after losing his job, improves his chances of finding a new job.
Or what is the same, it proves that the worker has resorted to help last and that his main objective has been to find a job and not collect the benefit. Examples of Active Job Search are varied and any of them is valid: submitting a resume in three different companies, conducting at least one job interview, having applied to an offer from a public employment service, enrolling in at least an employment agency, register with at least two public job search portals …
How to collect an extraordinary unemployment benefit It is not enough to carry out an Active Job Search. The collection of an extraordinary unemployment benefit requires the fulfillment of other requirements at the same time, as explained by the SEPE:
-Not having the right to assistance or contributory coverage.
-Not having reached the retirement age that entitles you to a contributory or non-contributory pension.
-Not having previously been a beneficiary of the extraordinary unemployment benefit.
-Do not have monthly income higher than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI), excluding the proportional part of the extra payments.
-Having involuntarily ceased from the last job if it was carried out after the exhaustion of the last right.
-Not working part-time for someone else or having the employment contract suspended. -Not having previously received the aid provided for in the Employment Activation Program.
If all these requirements are met, the applicant may collect the extraordinary unemployment benefit, which is 451.92 euros per month (the amount equivalent to 80% of the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income) and lasts six months. It is also necessary for Active Insertion Income The Active Job Search is also a requirement of the Active Insertion Income (RAI), although in this case three different BAE must be done.
If this is fulfilled, other conditions must be accredited in parallel, as explained on the SEPE website: -Be registered as a job seeker. -Be under 65 years of age. -Have a monthly income lower than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary, excluding the proportional part of the extraordinary payments. -Not being a beneficiary of the RAI during the previous year. -Not having been a beneficiary of the RAI three times before. The citizen who meets these requirements may collect the Active Insertion Income, which will be 451.92 euros per month, 80% of the IPREM. Its duration is 11 months.