60% Of US Adults Are Curious About Cryptocurrencies

Everything seems to indicate that cryptocurrencies are gaining more followers in the United States. The cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, released a survey on April 21, in which they say that 63% of American adults are curious about digital assets.

According to Gemini there is a “significant expansion and diversification” of small cryptocurrency investors in the country. The study was carried out by consulting 3,000 people, distributed throughout the United States, aged between 18 and 65 years.

“Our data shows that cryptocurrencies are largely not an ephemeral or opportunistic trade, but rather a smart part of a strategy, as most investors are buying to hold for the long term,” the document states.

In that sense, they believe that the number of investors in cryptocurrencies will double this year and will be led by women.

According to the above, there are a greater number of women than men, who have an interest in entering the world of cryptocurrencies , represented by 53%. Only a quarter of these women are under 35 years old and 25% are 55 years old or older.

Regarding future investors, the survey indicates that 13% of American adults will buy cryptocurrencies in the next 12 months.

As related to criptomonedas as a store of value, a 69% buys and holds , followed by 36% who used the criptoactivos to trading and profit. The remaining 27% use it to make purchases on the Internet.

For the exchange founded by the Winklevoss brothers, the future of cryptocurrencies “looks bright, and we are excited about the influx of more diverse audiences to continue to shape that future,” the text highlights.

For his part, Noah Perlman, Gemini’s director of operations, sees the data reflected in the study as positive. “There is a broader set of players who establish a positive long-term evolution of the market,” he added.

Americans see it safe to invest in cryptocurrencies
Last February, a report by the market research company Piplsay, collected by CriptoNoticias, showed that 50% of the citizens of that country believe it is safe to invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Likewise, they indicated that 57% of Americans consider that the most important companies should accept bitcoin as a form of payment.

However, the outlook is different for top executives when it comes to bitcoin. According to the most recent Bank of America report, about 74% of the executives consulted believe that bitcoin is a bubble . The remaining 16% responded that they consider bitcoin a speculative asset.

The Great Writer and The Passionate Poet As Well, He Graduated from University Of Florida in Journalism and Brad have around 12 years of experience in news and media section.

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